प्रश्न पूछने के लिए हम प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य बनाते हैं , उसे ही हम interrogative sentence कहते हैं ।इस लेख Yes or No questions में हम आपको वह प्रश्न बताएंगे जिसका उत्तर हां या ना (yes or no) में होता है ।
इस लेख (Yes or No questions) की जानकारी आपको सरल भाषा में दी जाएगी कृपया इसे अंत तक पढ़े और समझे Yes or No QUESTION SENTENCES क्या होते हैं ?
जिन प्रश्नों का उत्तर हां या ना में दिया जाता जा सकता है उन प्रश्नों की शुरुआत सहायक क्रियाओं की सहायता से की जाती है और जिन प्रश्नों का उत्तर हां और ना में नहीं दिया जा सकता उन प्रश्नों की शुरुआत WH Question Sentences से की जाती है ।
प्रश्न उत्तर करने के 2 तरीके होते हैं ,पहला है closed question और दूसरा है opened question .
कुछ विद्यार्थियों को closed question का उत्तर आसानी से दे देते है लेकिन क्वेश्चन पूछने में तकलीफ महसूस करते हैं ।आज इस लेख Yes or No questionsके माध्यम से आपके सारे doubt clear हो जाएंगे ।
आज इस लेख में closed question के सारे महत्वपूर्ण बातों के बारे में जाने वाली है ।आने वाले लेख में हम WH-Questions पढ़ेंगे ।
सहायक क्रिया( Do,Does,Did ,Is, Are, Am, Was, Were, Has, Have, Had, Will, Shall, May, Can, Would, Should, could etc )का प्रयोग करके हम हां या ना वाले प्रश्नों का उत्तर देते हैं ।
what is the yes or no question ?
- 1 ♦️ Yes or no questions examples with answers
- 2 ♦️Rules of making Yes/No Questions ( Yes/No Questions बनाने का तरीका )
- 3 ♦️ Simple Past Yes or No Questions Examples (How do you answer a yes or no question?)
- 4 Author
जिन प्रश्नों का उत्तर हां या नहीं में दिया जा सकता है उन्हें ‘हां / नहीं’ प्रकार के प्रश्न कहा जाता है।
ऐसे प्रश्न सहायक क्रिया – हेल्पिंग वर्ब्स (Is, Are, Am, Was, Were, Has, Have, Had, Will, Shall, May, Can, Would, Should, etc ) से शुरू होते हैं।
इस टाइप के प्रश्न वाचक शब्द का उत्तर देते समय अधिकतर लोग हां या ना के बाद प्रश्न के जरूरी शब्द भी जोड़ देते हैं और कुछ लोग सिर्फ हां या ना कहते हैं ।
For example :-
क्या आपने खाना खा लिया है ?
Have you had the food?
इसका उत्तर आप इस प्रकार से दे सकते हैं : -अगर आपका जवाब ” हां ” है तो आप उत्तर इस प्रकार दे सकते हैं ।
Yes ,I have had the food
Yes , I have
अगर आपका उत्तर ” ना “है तो आप उत्तर इस प्रकार से दे सकते हैं
No , I haven’t had the food
No , I haven’t
♦️Yes or No questions examples
🔴क्या वह स्कूल जा रहा है?
Is he going to the school?
🔴क्या वह तुम्हे जानता है?
Does he know you?
🔴क्या उसने खाना खा लिया?
Did he have the food?
🔴क्या वह मार्केट जाएगा?
Will he go to the market?
🔴क्या बाहर गर्मी है?
Is it hot outside?
🔴क्या वह मुझसे मिलने आ रही थी?
Was she coming to meet me?
🔴क्या वह इंजीनियर बन गया है ?
Has he become an engineer?
🔴क्या मैं book पढ़ सकता हूँ?
May I read the book?
🔴क्या तुम 1 मिनट में 200 words पढ़ सकते हो?
Can you read 200 words in a minute?
🔴क्या वह तुम्हें सिखाता है?
Does he teach you ?
🔴क्या वह रोज तुम्हारे लिये खाना बनाती है?
Does she cook for you daily?

♦️ Yes or no questions examples with answers
🔴क्या तुम उस किताब को नहीं पढ़ रहे थे?
Aren’t you reading that book?
🔴कुछ कहा उसने?
Did he say something?
🔴क्या आप मुझे कुछ काम दे रहे थे?
Were you giving me some work ?
🔴क्या आप हमारे group में शामिल होंगे?
Will you join our group?
🔴क्या वह अपना काम कर रहा होगा? Will he be doing his work?
🔴क्या आप उस कोर्स को खरीदेंगे? Would you buy that course?
♦️Yes or No questions examples
Question: Can you repair my motorcycle?
Answer: Yes, I can
No, I can’t
Question: Are you teacher?
Answer: Yes , I am.
No, I ain’t
♦️Rules of making Yes/No Questions ( Yes/No Questions बनाने का तरीका )
1. BE Verb (am/are/is/was/were) को ध्यान में रखते हुए कोई भी साधारण वाक्य सोचे ।
साधारण वाक्य बनाते समय पहले कर्ता फिर वर्ब और अंत में कर्म आता है।
(subject + verb + object)
जैसे कि He is a teacher
लेकिन Yes/No Questions बनाने के लिए आपको verb को आगे और subject को दूसरे number में रखना होगा।
जैसे कि – Is he a teacher?
🟠They are Indians.
*Are they Indians?
🟠The children are playing in the playground.
*Are the children playing in the playground?
यही तरीका हमें past tense के साथ भी अपनाना है ।
♦️simple past yes/no questions examples (How do you answer a yes or no question? )
🟠It was helpful.
Was it helpful?
🟠New York was great.
Was New York great?
🟠We were hungry.
Were we hungry?
🟠That man was kind
Was That man kind?
🟠You were helpless.
Were you helpless ?
🟠Sarthak was my friend.
Was Sarthak my friend?
🟠The school is nice.
Is the school nice?
🟠Mediation is popular nowadays.
Is Mediation popular nowadays ?
🟠I am brave .
Am I brave?
Rules 2:-Yes/No Questions बनाने का तरीका वही रहेगा चाहे आपका उत्तर हां में हो या ना हो ।
Questions मैं आपको ” not ” नहीं लगाना है ।
♦️Yes/No Questions with “BE ” verb
🟠Were we rich?
No, we weren’t rich.
🟠Is he my friend?
Yes,he is my friend.
2. Helping verb से Yes/No Questions से बनाते है।Helping verb को auxiliary verb भी कहा जाता है।
I have completed that task यह वाक्य Present Perfect tense का है।auxiliary verb ‘have ‘main verb ‘complete’ को present perfect tense में change कर रहा है । ऐसे ही अन्य Modal verbs जैसे कि should,must,may,might,can का use करेंगें ।
- I should say
- I can say
- I must say
- I might say
जिस तरह से पहले Yes/No Questions बनाए जा रहे थे उसी प्रकार से (auxiliary verb or modal)से भी बनाए जाएंगे लेकिन कई बार ऐसा होता है कि एक वाक्य में एक से ज्यादा HelpingVerb होते हैं तब HelpingVerb 2 को subject के बाद लिखा जाएंगा ।
for example :-
👉Sohal has been promoted.
Has sohal been promoted ?
👉They will be asked.
Will they be asked?
👉The train is going to departure.
Is the train going to departure ?
👉The motorcycle was being repaired.
Was the motor cycle being repaired?
आसान भाषा में अगर आप समझे तो sentence का form Yes/No Questions आसानी से बना पाएंगें ।
(Subject + Verb + object) change (Verb + Subject + Object) कर के Yes/No Questions या closed question बनाया जाता है।
♦️Yes/No Questions with BE verb and Auxiliary/Modal Verbs
🔴John can learn this chapter.
Can John learn this chapter?
🔴It might be yours.
Might it be yours?
🔴We will attend the marriage.
Will we attend the marriage?
🔴Peter is going to visit hirakund dam.
Is Peter going to visit hirakund dam?
I have a car.
main verb इस वाक्य में है (have) और helping verb नही है
Seema loves basketball. main verb इस वाक्य में है (loves) और helping verb नही है ।
इस तरह के वाक्यों के लिए हम ‘Do’ जोड़कर Yes or No questions बनाते हैं ।
Also read 👇👇
A to Z English words with meaning in hindi
Conditional sentences and it’s types
BE Verb or auxiliary verb वाक्य में मौजूद ना हो तब ‘Do/Does /Did’ लगाकर प्रश्नवाचक शब्द बनाया जाएगा ।
🔴I have a car.
Do you have a car?
🔴Seema loves basketball.
Does Seema love basketball?
🔴They found my car’s key .
Did they find my car’s key?
♦️Note– Seema loves basketball , इस वाक्य में main Verb ‘ loves ‘ है इसलिए does का प्रयोग किया गया ।
🔴They found my car’s key .
Did they find my car’s key?
इस वाक्य में main Verb ‘found’
इसलिए did का प्रयोग किया गया ।find ka second form of verb है found . जब भूतकाल को दर्शा रह हो तो Did का प्रयोग करते है।
इस लेख में आपने 3 methods समझे :-
- “BE” verb
- “Auxiliary”verb
- “Does,Do,Did”
♦️ Mixed Forms of Yes/No Questions आपके समाने है , इन्हे अच्छे से पढ़े और समझे ।
Q: She is beautiful.
A: Is she beautiful?
Q: They are working hard.
A: Are they working hard?
Q: The book was being published.
A: Was the book being published?
Q:We are going to invite him.
A: Are we going to invite him?
Q: Have you seen radhika in the park?
A: Yes, I have seen radhika in the park .
Q: Has he got married?
A: Yes , he has got married.
Q:Has he come back from the Bombay?
A: No, he hasn’t
Q:Has she been working since morning?
A: Yes,she has been working since morning.
Yes,she has been
Also read 👇👇
Modals verb in Hindi (Uses, Meaning ,Rules, Examples)
चुटकियों में अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखें/story translation from Hindi to English
♦️Yes/No Questions without Helping or BE Verb
🔴He reads newspaper .
Does he read newspaper ?
🔴The child broke the glass
Did the child break the glass ?
🔴We want some new clothes.
Do we want some new clothes ?
🔴She had some books
Did she have some books ?
🔴The teacher noticed the mistake.
Did the teacher notice the mistake?
♦️simple yes or no questions
Q: Did she have her scooter?
A: Yes, she had her scooter.
Q: Did you feel laziness?
A: No, I didn’t feel laziness .
Q: Do we eat goat?
A: No, we don’t eat goat .
Q:Do you reliable me ?
A: Yes, I reliable you.
Q: Did they forget their visa?
A: No, they didn’t forget their visa.
Q: will he come ?
A : Yes , he will come.
Also read 👇👇
Spoken English structure list / आसान भाषा में अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखे
How can I explain my daily routine in English?
♦️ Yes or No Questions . (Examples of Yes/No Questions with Answers )
🔴She is a banker.
Is she a banker?
🔴They are doing their job.
Are they doing their job ?
🔴The book was expensive.
Was the book expensive ?
🔴We are going to buy it.
Are we going to buy it?
🔴 Are you looking for the notebook?
No, I ain’t looking for the notebook.
🔴 Will they be sad?
No, they won’t be sad.
🔴 Do you do meditation everyday?
Yes , I do meditation everyday
🔴Has he had the car ?
No ,he hasn’t had the car.
♦️ Simple Past Yes or No Questions Examples (How do you answer a yes or no question?)
🔴Were they waiting long?
Yes, they were waiting long.
🔴 Did they sing well?
No, they didn’t sing well.
🔴Have you a pencil?
Do you have a pencil ?
🔴You will go to the market?
Will you go to the market?
🔴Did you bought vegetables from the market?
Did you bring vegetables from the market?
🔴It is 6 o’clock?
Is it 6 o’clock?
Also read 👇👇
Daily use verbs in English with hindi meaning
Phrasal Verbs Explained in Hindi
♦️Yes or No questions in Hindi
🟠The club is closed.
Is the club closed ?
🟠The trainer was happy.
Was the trainer happy ?
🟠Mediation is popular nowadays.
Is mediation popular nowadays ?
🟠You were tired.
Were you tired ?
🟠Sarthak was my teacher.
Was sarthak my teacher ?
🔴 Were you poor?
Yes, we were poor.
इन वाक्यों में अशुद्धि है । Rules आप समझ गए होंगे अब इन अशुद्धियों को दूर करें और कमेंट में हमें जरूर बताएं इसका सही उत्तर क्या होगा ?
♦️Remove the errors (Yes / No questions (closed questions)
इस लेख को पढ़ने के बाद आप समझ गए होंगे कि (Yes or No Questions )कैसे बनाते हैं अब नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों में अशुद्धियां है उसे शुद्ध करके कमेंट बॉक्स में बताएं कि सही वाक्य क्या होगा ?
➡️It might be stolen ?
➡️No, your uncle’s name is being called.
➡️Has she been working here for 4 years?
♦️ PRESENT SIMPLE with verbs and ‘Be’ verbs
Write short answers (with pronouns)
Q: Does Deepa live in odisha?
A: Yes, she does
Q: Are tom and jerry happy? A: No, they aren’t
Q: Do Pentoons live at the North Pole?
A: No, they don’t
Q: Does your mother go to the market?
A: Yes,she does .
Q: Is Raipur the capital city of chattisgarh?
A: Yes, it is
Q: Are they nervous?
A: No,they aren’t
Q: Does Ramu do his work? A: No,
Q: Is lunch ready?
A:No, it isn’t.
Q: Does he like to learn?
A: Yes,he does
Q: Are they from India? A:Yes, they are
Also Read👇👇
A to Z English words with meaning in hindi
♦️FAQ (Yes or No questions)
[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h4″ img=”” question=”Present perfect tense yes/no questions examples” img_alt=”” css_class=””] Have you been collecting information for a long time?
Have you been driving for a long time?
Have you been watching movie since I cooked?
Have they been waiting for 6 hours?
Has she been talking for more than 2 hour?
Have they been learning since I promoted? [/sc_fs_faq]
उम्मीद है आपको यह लेख Yes or No questions की जानकारी पंसद आएगी , जानकारी पंसद आई हो तो इसे share करना नी भूले । अपना कीमती समय देने के लिए शुक्रिया 🙏😊
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